Steamed Plantains

No authentically Jamaican meal is complete without a side of hot, fried, sweet, ripe plantains.  Really and truly, it’s probably the last fried food we would give up in this household, but I can’t stand the frying part and figured that there must be a better way.  I eventually found a roasted plantain recipe online that wasn’t too bad but I’m a bit prone to neglecting overbaking foods in the oven.  I also wanted to give Lil’ Z the opportunity to enjoy this delicious delight, known here in Oman as mawz al-hindi (Indian banana).  So, with our faithful steamer to the rescue, we’ve discovered that steamed plantains are quick, delicious, and tasty!  Yes, you might miss that crispy crunch around the edges, but it’s a healthier option than frying and you won’t lose the flavor like you do when boiling.


2 ripe plantains

1 tbsp. extra virgin coconut oil (optional)

1 tsp. cinnamon (optional)

1 tbsp. honey (optional)


1. Cut plantains into slices

2. Steam for about 15 minutes or until cooked

3. Drizzle with coconut oil, cinnamon and honey.  Yes, it’s that simple!  Enjoy!

3 thoughts on “Steamed Plantains

  1. Thanks sis! I’ve added this to my “Recipes” folder. I was just looking at Jamaican recipes the other day & trying to decide which ones (curried goat? sorrel? rice & peas?) to start with. I’ll be adding steamed plaintain to whatever I cook.

    1. No problem! 🙂
      Sorrel is a great start and it’s pretty easy to make. In Arabic, it’s called “karkaday”. I was so shocked to find sorrel in Mauritania, made with mint, whereas the Jamaican version is usually made with ginger and pimento (allspice) seeds. Let us know how you like the steamed plantains! 😉

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